Jackie Arnett
Edit; Since leaving this review 4 things have happened in the following order:
1) I got a call from someone who was not involved in intake letting me know “you can just go downtown and get copies”. Yep, they called me just to say that. Unfortunately for them running away from exes sometimes involves leaving the state, so “just going downtown” isn't going to help.
2) I got a call from quality control asking about the situation. They said they will follow up.
3) The service provider I am currently with called to let me know that Easterseals had contacted them trying to establish coordinated care (yes, even though they had said intake was not completed and services would not be provided without the birth certs, which I did not turn in). Thank goodness my current service provider knows what privacy is.
4) Quality control has gotten back to me and said they will no longer require birth certificates to provide services. I am thankful for that. However, they made it seem like I had misunderstood about them contacting exes. They might be getting back with me again about that.
Summary of original review:
Intake personnel requested birth certificates. When pressed about why, I was told that ALL PARTIES LISTED ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE MUST CONSENT TO TREATMENT. If I did not want the other party to be contacted, I needed to bring custody papers. They said with a birth certificate and no proof of custody that they are required to contact the other party to gain consent for treatment.
Intake personnel made it very clear that Easterseals Blake Foundation in Tucson AZ will not complete your intake, or provide ANY services, unless they have your children's birth certificates on file.
No other location in Tucson requires this information for treatment. Initially, when asked, they said it was for psychiatry and to have it 'just in case'. They added that they could not speak to the 'quality' of services I may receive at other locations, as if other places were breaking some rule. When I still pressed, because psychiatry is not a service we will be consenting to, they revealed that they request permission to treat from ALL parties. This is what was told to me by several people, not an assumption I am making. No services until they have the birth certificate. All parties must consent or also no services. No exceptions without proof of custody arrangements.
On top of that issue, the person doing our intake was frustrated by my children's choice for me to be in the intake room with them. She kept repeating different variations of the same sentiment, alluding to the idea that their intake could not be accurate if I was in the room. At least twice, for different serious topics, I said 'no, I do not think that is what was meant' then looked at my kid to ask if they felt they were being understood. In both instances they said 'no' and tried again to be more clear. However, both of those specific times the intake personnel just repeated what they already said while adding "the why" or "the specifics" don't matter. They were misunderstanding whole concepts my kid was trying to convey.
I was also told they would not compartmentalize or generalize when communicating cross-or-inter agency and would give very specific details about the minor children to whomever 'they felt' needed to hear them, if services started.
I don't know...the entitlement about my kids' choices/feelings/PRIVACY, the birth certificate being mandatory specifically for them to get actively involved in custody, and the weird amount of 5 stars with no comments here are a few too many red flags for me to not speak up about an uncomfortable intake and weird paperwork policy.